Ahoy, my name is Mihai
Full-Stack Web Developer with ❤️ for Code ⌨️
Cluj-Napoca - Romania 🇷🇴
Welcome to my personal vault, here I'm going to store bits of my professional and personal life, as well as random artifacts left behind by my ego.

Founder & Freelancer
Cluj-Napoca - Romania 🇷🇴
Providing Development, Design, and Consulting Services for Web Apps. Planning, Designing, and Building from the ground up solutions within the Cloud with regard to a constant balance between quality and costs.
Reverse Engineering a Closed Source Language (OpenGOAL)

Serverless Image-Service
A complete solution built with Serverless to manage, manipulate and serve images on-demand! Once deployed it allows uploading, removing, serving, and transforming images on the fly!

Old Portfolio Website
The previous version of this site, before the redesign itself that holds information about me, as well as the projects that I've been working on, a blog and whatever else my ego wants to add in the future (Spoiler) maybe a Guitar Tab Playground

Contact Me
You can either fill the form here and I'll reply to you by email or you can get in touch with me on any of my socials. Just don't be shy, ask anything you want!