Check out some side projects that I've been working on in my spare
time. They cover up various topics often insipred by my own interests.
I'm trying to always use new tech to test it and eventually integrate
it within my stack.
Serverless Image-Service
A complete solution built with Serverless to manage, manipulate and serve images on-demand! Once deployed it allows uploading, removing, serving, and transforming images on the fly!
Old Portfolio Website
The previous version of this site, before the redesign itself that holds information about me, as well as the projects that I've been working on, a blog and whatever else my ego wants to add in the future (Spoiler) maybe a Guitar Tab Playground
Broadcasting guitar notes from localhost to the internet through a custom sensor built with Arduino and Inductors that translates electromagnetic vibrations into values to be mapped on a fretboard
Tetris Clone
A clone made from scratch in C++11 and SDL with some Graphic tweaks in Blender 3D and Krita. Just an old University project that I made to prove my skills and to get a kickass grade!